About Marianne Högstedt
Professional experience
Many years of professional experience as a manager and consultant
Director of Human Resources and Member of the Board at Skyguide during periods of profound change
Consultant in organisational and management development at Swissair, working on a variety of major projects involving strategic, organisational development, team building and management training.
Assistant lecturer in Business Management at the University of Bern.
Education and training
Lic.rer.pol. at the University of Bern
Training course in organisational development at IOD, Belgium
Schweizerischer Kurs für Personalmanagement SKP (Swiss personnel management course)
Practitioner in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming)
Certified practitioner of personality analyses (HBDI, Prisma World and Change-Check)
Outdoor Trainer, Revaris Kreativ Training
Certified ILP Mental Trainer